An internal collective & supportive challenge around CSR topics

For several years, we put the CSR at the heart of our corporate strategy with the ambition to build with our partners an innovative, performing and sustainable electronic integrating economical, social & environemental stakes.

That’s why, throughout March, a collective & supportive CSR challenge has drived our teams. Between individual challenges, thematic quiz and collective actions, the Selha Group’s collaborators have been involved & illustrated alla long these 4 weeks of competition on various subjects : sustainable mobility, carbon footprint or also the zero waste.

A collective commitment

A considerable enthusiasm, a precious mobilization of our employees and few essential CSR subjects, that’s how we can sum up these 4 weeks of challenges & awareness. The teams have shown a subtle mix of creativity, eco-responsibility & humour as you can see in these photos.

1 challenge participation = 1€ collected for an association

Simultaneously, we decided to give even more significance to this month of awareness by converting employees participations in donations for an association. Over the weeks, the teams has led the supportive pool. Thanks to their mobilization, 3000 euros have been raised and will be refunded to Cancer League, the association voted for by employees.

From commitments to actions

It seems essential to us, as responsible employer to transform commitments into concrete actions. This eco-challenge, beyond its convivial side, allowed everyone to take heed of its own individual impact, to adopt new green customs but also to federate all the collaborators auround our CSR approach

With this very positive experience, we are eager to bring forward this type of collective initiative in the future…