A connected health bagpack

Furnish electronics for the first health backpack 100% connected, here is the mission that our partner Alrena Technologies has entrusted us for its product Medibag.

For this telemedecine solution, we have designed and produced the electronic control units allowing this connected bag to link automatically all networks : wifi, satellite, cellular… regardless where they are, in order to pass medical data in a a reliable and secure way.

Medical devices are interconnected to the Medibag. There are an electrocardiogram, a delocalized biology lab and also echographic probes. Thanks to the transmission equipments (for video, sound, data) of the Medibag a health professional can establish a remote diagnosis, prescribe and guide at the distance medical pratictionners to provide medical cares to the patient.

The aim of this technology is ensurinng the acces of health for isolated areas and medical deserts allowing healths visitors to pratice teleconsultations in real time, directyl at patient’s home.